From google reader to twitter in one or two easy steps

After reading Thing 4  for CPD23 programme that I'm following I was happy to see I had two out of the three recommended things already done. I have a twitter account and I've been using google reader for a couple of months now. Huzzah!

It still took me over a week to get around to looking at pushnote however. We are in the midst of launching our summer reading challenge and I'm starting a knitting club in our library so my time has mostly been taken up with that.

Well, I say mostly, but really I've been distracted by something else - google plus, google's new social networking site to rival facebook which was launched last week. At the moment it's invite only and of course because of this I quickly went from 'meh' to 'how do I get in? I need an invite NOW!'

I am a sucker for those pre-sale customer evenings in furniture stores and those 'buy it now before it's too late' rails in certain clothes shops. Google knows me well and played to my weaknesses. So after a week of trawling blogs and forums for invites my online knitting friends came through for me and I'm in! So, now what?

Its quiet at the moment and I'm still exploring it. So far I like it and I'll be writing more about it at a later date. I suspect it will be used much the same as my facebook account- for personal use rather than professional. It's something new to play with at a time when facebook has been getting a bit boring for me.

As if I need another online networking tool to play with when I've already got things like twitter and reader etc to play around with and explore.

I've had a twitter account for  a year or so and I've used it primarily to follow people, mostly comedians, a few bloggers and of course Stephen Fry. I've always felt it's a bit like stalking, but I suppose you only post what you want the entire world to know. I  am amazed at how free some people are with every detail of their waking day.
I don't tweet myself apart from the odd retweet, but considering I have only seven followers and only two of those are human (as opposed to an organisation), and one of those is my husband, who's sitting opposite me at the breakfast table, I think 'what's the point?'

Well lately, since I've been using Google reader and started reading blogs I've come accross plenty of articles that I think are interesting and I would love a way to pass them onto other people to read. I've been using the star function for any article I like and now I have a little stockpile of articles that I think are interesting but nobody to show them to. Is this where pushnote comes in?

To me pushnote looks a bit like a cross between digg and twitter. You can like or comment on an article or recommend it through your twitter feed or facebook status. It work's pretty neatly too. I tried it out today with a couple of web pages that I navigated to from google reader. I went from google reader to the article web page to twitter using pushnote. Success! I'm sure it has other uses too which I'm looking forward to exploring.

My only bugbear for now is that I can only do this from my desktop computer. I read a lot of my blogs through my phone and I doubt I'll be able to install pushnote on my work computer. It's still in beta so hopefully an iphone app is on the cards.

Things I want to achieve by the next post: 

  • Make my blog look good
  • Add pictures to my posts
  • Post about something other than cpd23 (no offense)
  • Stop using parenthesis so much


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