Thing 11: Reflective Practice

Thing 11 is all about time management. I think my time management is pretty OK. I've been doing something outside of work hours for the last few years, whether it's studying part-time or doing projects like the Rudai 23 so I'm used to the extra work load. I'm getting better at compartmentalizing the various parts of my life and making sure I have time to fit in work - family - fitness etc.

I have fallen behind with my blog posts but that's because I've been devoting time to the management of Rudai 23. Now that that part has finished to a certain degree I can now devote a bit of time to getting my own 'things' finished.

I'ts good to make a schedule for your week if you have a lot on, even if it's just a schedule in your own head, and stick to it. I've worked through lunches, and spent sunday nights in front of the computer to keep on top of things. The way I look at it though, it's not because I cant manage my time or I have too much work, it's because I  know if I've worked through  my lunch, I can then put my kids to bed and read them an extra story without feeling like I have to rush down stairs to catch up on my work. So for me that's worth it.

I do feel envious of people who travel to work on public transport because I think I waste a lot of time in my car. I commute 50 mins to and from work every day, and I think I could get a lot done in those 50 minutes if I was on a bus or a train.

Time management for me is all about routine. Have a good routine, stick to it and you might be surprised at how much you get done. Prioritise what needs to be done and work out what you can leave till later - that 's not procrastinating just scheduling. Find ways to be efficient in your work - or ask for help. And breath - don't forget to leave a bit of breathing space to do nothing, that's just as important as everything else.


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